Monday, 9 February 2015

New Figure Commission - Spanish Cavalry

These are the command figures from the forthcoming Spanish cavalry - there are
troopers, too, and a choice of walking or trotting horses (we think)
This is just a pointer to a post on the Hagen Miniatures blog - I'm very excited to see that the Spanish cavalry figures which I commissioned through Uwe (which may be painted as either Dragoons or Line Cavalry) now exist as masters, and are now at the mould-making stage.

They should fill a long-felt gap in the market for 1/72 metal figures - there will be more figures from Hagen for 1806-1810 Spanish troops in the future, but watch out for these next ones. I'm looking forward very much to getting my hands on the cavalry - I'm not wishing to steal anyone's thunder - please keep an eye on the Hagen blog if Spanish Napoleonic soldiers are of interest!


  1. Those Spaniads are Giants on undersized mounts. What breed of horse? Their head and upper neck look too narrow to my eye. Very nifty to have figures commissioned to your specs.

    1. Nifty only if the figures are acceptable, I guess. Our research is not complete yet, I admit, but the indications are that the Spanish cavalry was the worst mounted of any nation in Europe - horses died on campaign - many units had only a proportion of men with horses. Breed? - I have to pass on that, I'm afraid.

      The specs might be the problem - maybe I need new ones. Oh well.

  2. Coming along very nicely Tony, been waiting to see the first pics. So hard to judge at this stage, but the proportions look fine to my eye, I like the slender horse heads and I think if we were seeing them with a black undercoat they would look fine, but they are just masters at this stage of course.

    1. Hi Lee - hoping to get pics of first casts shortly.
