Thursday, 26 June 2014

More 1809 Spaniards

Yesterday I was pleased to welcome back the two battalions of the Regimiento La Reina from their trip to be painted by the excellent Lee. Not only that, but I now also have some mounted colonels painted up, including the new mounted command figures for the existing Regimiento Africa.

After a short frenzy of varnishing and basing, here are the two regiments on parade. At present they look a little odd since they have uncut flagpoles - the flags and finials are still to come, but I hope you will see that my little 1809 army is beginning to take shape. The Reina boys have purple facings here, Africa black. Figures are NapoleoN, apart from the hat-waving colonel, who is a Falcata casting, and the other mounted officers, which are conversions of my own.

Next up will probably be Irlanda, in blue and yellow, and maybe some light infantry.

Thank you, Lee - very much!


  1. Nifty Spanish figures. I was unfamiliar with NapoleoN. A quick bit of research suggests they are out of business and 20mm. Is that correct?

    Old School figures with OS basing and presentation. I like it!

    1. Thank you sir - it's not very good form to link you to my own blog, but there's a section on NapoleoN here, which might give some background

    2. …yes - 20mm - quite big 20mm, I guess, but the maker was originally called NapoleoN 20, which is a bit of a give-away!

    3. Perfectly acceptable to link to your own posting when it answers my question! Thank you!

  2. Splendid looking troops - when will we be seeing them in action?

    1. Thanks Ian - a little while yet. I've a hefty lead mountain to shift to finish this army (are armies ever finished? - we've discussed this before), but obviously they can start to appear in smaller actions before the OOB is complete. The skill, I think, is to do what you have done with the HH's and produce units in such an order that you have some kind of balance as you go along. I'm rather short of that, at the moment - I just have a Grand Plan (aaargh) and there is an extended vague bit between here and there. Now that things are shaping up, I need to organise it properly. The eventual target is some 25 to 30 1809 style battalions, with all the trimmings, but many of my post-1809 chaps will slot in without problems - militia, light troops, the cavalry, the staff, some of the artillery. The aim is an army in 3 divisions, utilising a proportion of the non-line 1812 units.

      I guess the answer is "later this year"!

  3. They look good all together there Tony. 'La Reina' were away from home for so long I understand they began to acquire Kentish accent's.
