Monday, 2 June 2014

Foy’s Almost-Summer Prize Competition 2014 - the Actual Competition

Here it is – sorry, this is all a bit rushed now, which makes something of a nonsense of my attempt at dramatic effect, but I'm not sure I'm going to get a chance to get back to the blog over the next couple of days.

As ever, if you wish to enter you have to either be a registered follower of my blog or else someone with whom I have regular email correspondence in connection with the blog.

I’ve gone back to an old format for this competition, mainly because it used to give rise to a bigger and more entertaining response! The competition is very simple – please study this photograph, which was taken at around midday in the month of August, on a weekday, and send me a comment (or email, if you prefer) telling me where it was taken, which Napoleonic event took place near here, why whiskers are relevant(!), how you arrived at this answer, and any other thoughts you have.

I’ve deliberately made the photo large, so you can examine it in greater detail. Oh yes – I took the photo myself, so you won’t find it in Google Image. There’s quite a few clues here, but I hope it’s still a reasonable challenge.

Judging will be, as ever, completely subjective and totally unfair – I’ll allow up to 10 points for geographical accuracy, 10 points for identification of the historical associations (including the whiskers) and 20 points for your explanation of how you came to this conclusion, and any relevant observations – thus an amusing explanation of a poor answer may score as many points as a blunt presentation of the correct answer.

If you can get your solution to me by midnight (UK time) at the end of 10th June I’ll get the details of the winner posted within a day or so after that. I won't publish entry comments received, to avoid people learning from each others’ answers, though I’ll consider publishing any clarifications, in case there are any technical issues….  (yawn)

The Prizes

This is a bit of a grand chuck-out – so I hope it appeals, there are some nice items in here. The winner will receive a parcel containing all of the following:

(1) Paperback of Sir Arthur Quiller-Couch’s Napoleonic War Stories (new)

(2) Paperback - The Wargaming Pioneers Vol.1 – edited by John Curry – includes details of Little Wars, R L Stevenson’s games, Shambattle and a pile of other early wargames (perfect, unmarked)

(3) The Napoleonic Wargame – G W Jeffrey (paperback) – (old and read, but sound and clean) – Old School, but not as we know it, Jim…

(4) Warhammer – English Civil War – rules and much more (paperback) – (very good condition)

(5) Napoleon – Matthew Fletcher - Wargames Foundry’s rules-cum-coffee table book about wargaming, which is an entertaining read – lots and lots and LOTS of pictures of their figures, with instructions on how to paint them

(6) Portuguese Army booklet as described in my previous post

If you wish to enter but do not want the prize, please say so and have a go anyway, just for the glory, and you may be the Category B winner – the prize will still go to the best Category A effort.

If you are interested then I wish you all the best, I look forward to hearing from you and thank you for reading my blog!

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