Saturday 5 October 2013

Eggmuhl Giveaway - Results

I got a total of 13 expressions of interest, if I include a couple of strange pieces of related spam and a threat.

Pleased to announce that Gary Amos wins the battlefield guide (not entirely because of the blackmail attempt), and Bart Vetters wins the German-language version.

If these two gentlemen could contact me with postal addresses I'll get the books  to you.

You can email via the address on my Blogger profile or - and maybe better, since I fear that BtInternet may have screwed up my email accounts again - send a comment to this blog post which I won't publish.

Thanks to anyone who sent an "entry", and thanks to anyone who was interested enough to follow my humble adventures on the Danube.


  1. Hi,

    the German language 'Rundweg Schlacht bei Egghmühl' arrived in perfect condition yesterday and looks very interesting (I like the detailed maps). Thanks again!


