Sunday, 8 September 2013

Danube Trip – Bribes & Gifts Dept

In grateful response to excellent suggestions made previously on this blog, I have been arranging for a small stock of diplomatic goodies for our forthcoming trip, to go some way towards rewarding our volunteer battlefield guides for their efforts. For a while I considered painting up a suitable figurine myself, but I don’t really have time (though I would like to have done it), and there is a slight risk that the recipient might not have known what it was if I had.

Thus I have obtained a ready-painted collector figure from FirstLegion, and here he is. This, gentlemen, in 54mm, is a sapper of the Bavarian I.R. Nr. 5, Graf Preysing, as he would have appeared at Eggmühl. He is pictured next to a bottle of genuine East Lothian Falling-Down Water – we have a couple of these to take. They are usually well received.

I did also consider the special, limited-edition Max Foy teeshirt (available in L, XL and XXL), but decided against it. If you are interested in FirstLegion, click here. If you are interested in Glenkinchie, click here.

This just proves that I do occasionally listen to other people’s ideas – thanks very much, guys!


  1. An excellent idea. Best of luck with the trip.

  2. A very striking figure that Tony, I really like the clean and precise paint job, very professionally done. I'd not heard of them before, the web site is full of wonderful images.

    Also just had to check out the Distillery link, wonderful!
