Napoleonic, WSS & ECW wargaming, with a load of old Hooptedoodle on this & that

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Boom in Very Old Property Continues

I've been pretty much out of things for a fortnight with the accursed flu, which, as ever, has hit harder and lasted longer than my own patience or the available sympathy window allows.

Better today - going into Edinburgh to see a concert tonight, armed with sucky sweeties to avoid my coughing the acts into silence. On the hobby front I've done a few lightweight organisation chores - fitting out more A4 box files with steel paper - stuff like that - and I've continued to work away at my supply of 15mm buildings for the ECW. Steady progress continues, though I may eventually convince myself to do a little re-work to tone down a couple of my paler thatch roofs. These little Hovels castings are really nice to work with, though I'm finding the finished buildings are a bit of a nuisance to store safely.

As I've progressed through the stock of unpainted resin over recent weeks, I did a lot of checking with the painted examples on Hovels' website, to see how they are intended to look, and as my confidence has grown I have found that I am frequently setting about doing something different. In particular, since my intended theatre for the ECW is the North West, I've had a go at producing some buildings which are a bit less obviously Cotswold Stone than standard. I am pleased with the little brick smithy shown here, and especially with the Bunter Sandstone mansion house, though it does bother me a bit that it looks like a childhood memory of Rathbone Road school in Liverpool - if it had bright green railings it would be the complete thing.

I'm going to have a go at a dark sandstone church next. And a timber windmill, though the mill is a real construction kit job with cast metal sails and everything.

I've been reading David Johnson's Adwalton Moor of late. It is written in heavily correct "thesis" style, and took a little getting into, but I have been won over. Great little book. The detective work involved in unscrambling old references and old maps, to get a picture of the battlefield as it was in 1643, is especially fascinating. I have also been very impressed by the accepted de facto form of classification of events in the ECW into "of general interest" and "of interest only to local study groups" - a whole pile of stuff I have suspected but never seen written down before. Recommended book for any ECW enthusiasts.

For anyone who is interested in the funny way us northern folk speak, Adwalton appears to have been pronounced "Adderton" or even "Atherton" in 1643. By 'eck.


  1. Nice looking buildings! I need a few buildings to represent the village of Oldbridge at the Battle of the Boyne, they look like they would fit perfick!

    1. I would recommend Hovels for this sort of period - very impressive, and good value for money. I already have a lot of their Spanish style buildings, which are more toy-like, I think - the English/Rural very good - a very cool Butter Market in the range, and also the village stocks/pillory. You can put a poor penitent of your choice in the stocks...

  2. Those look great! I could do with some 15mm buildings myself (even though I use 20mm figs) and must admit I'm tempted by the Hovels pieces.

    1. 15mm buildings with 20mm figures works brilliantly - reduces groundscale distortion, gives you villages you can move around to make room for the troops, they are small, and easier to store, and there was something else...

      ...oh yes - they are cheap, man! - a lot of advantages.

      I find the Hovels people quick and very helpful, and the 15mm buildings are not expensive - less than it would cost me to attempt scratchbuilding (though the results are not so humorous!).

      For ECW, I have bought items from their 15mm English/Rural range, the Medieval and the European. Hovels don't do factory painting any more, but in fact I found I can do a job of similar quality without a great deal of squinting.

    2. Cheap.... Oh I like that word!

  3. Very nice. I've got some Hovels stuff in the loft. I bought it maybe six or seven years ago for a project and never got round to finishing it of. Looks like you've prompted me with ideas for an Easter project!

  4. Great painting on those buildings Tony, I recall painting that Manor House myself many years ago, somehow it always ended up at the centre of the action, complete with the high wall sections and gate.

    This concept of 'down scaling' the buildings works well, it makes sense. I have been thinking about my Timescale Peninsular buildings, beautiful models but just far too big to use in a hex based system. I'll have to look at Hovels again or maybe think in terms of making my own 6mm buildings. I need 'skinny' buildings that retain roughly the same height, if you know what I mean!

    Great to see the ECW project powering along now, it's going to look great on the tabletop.
