Tuesday, 29 January 2013

ECW - My Armies Thus Far

I've been asked a couple of times if I could show a picture of my ECW armies, such as they are at present. Since I had the battleboards out today, and the camera handy, I thought a modest team photo would be in order, so here goes.

Parliament - from front to back, the units of horse are Brereton's
Cheshire Horse and Dodding's Lonsdale Regt, and the foot are the
regiments of Rigby, Booth, Holland, Philip Egerton and Assheton. 

Royalists - on the left, front to back, are Prince Rupert's Blews and
Tillier's Regt; in the centre are the regiments of Thomas Tyldesley,
Lord Byron and Robert Ellice, and the horse regiments are those of Lord
Molyneux and Lord Byron.

And - just to attempt the impression of mass which the individual
armies rather lack at the moment - here's an unlikely grouping of
the units of both sides.

Target for completion of the first stage is for each army to have 8 foot, 6 (or so) horse, 1 lot of dragoons and artillery and generals to suit. As you see, my foot units are going well, and the horse are catching up, now that I have the Bold Lee's painting services on my team. Artillery and generals are a bit behind, but I have most of the castings I need - I need some more horses, and Old John will be sending me some more guns shortly, I believe, so everything is going well.

Watch this space.


  1. That's quite a collection Sir, won't be long and your'll have all the regts required.

    1. Cheers, Ray. That's the first time I've had them all out of the boxes, and it was very pleasing to see the progress - I should start doing this more often! In the immediate pipeline for painting are two more foot (Robert Byron, John Moore) and two horse (Prince Rupert, Shuttleworth's Lancashire), and the expected delivery of ordnance should get the artillery moving on a bit.

      Need to get some period houses painted, though. Slight concern is that my preferred supplier of A4 box files have altered the design slightly, and their new ones are a couple of mm narrower. Since my pikes are designed to just fit in a box, things are a bit squeaky - just about OK!

      Cheers - Tony

  2. You are certainly making better progress than me. But then you're actually painting stuff...

  3. Great to see them all together Tony, and a real pleasure painting those cavalry for you, the figures have a lot of character. It's going to be a spectacular sight once the armies are complete.
