Monday, 19 November 2012

Regimiento del Ribero

Having replaced my congealed red paint, I've now finished the first of my new units of Falcata figures. Here are the Regimiento del Ribero - also known at different times as the Voluntarios del Ribero and even as the Cazadores del Ribero. Whatever, they are light infantry. These are all pre-production castings from Falcata - the skirmishers are my own conversions - Spanish regular light infantry with militia heads.

There will be three similar new battalions in the fairly near future.


  1. Nice work! I like them. Pity about the Russian Roulette business model Falcata seem to operate under...

    1. Assuming that they can get the quality of the production castings improved a bit and that the UK dealership gets going, these are nice, useful figures. It amazes me that, considering the problems they seem to have meeting dates and getting things organised, they still produce packets of figures with varied poses and equipment - the marching o/r in this unit have heads angled different ways, different trousers, even different ways of holding their musket. On the other hand, the standard bearer is a figure from the old French infantry pack with a few basic mods.

      Predictable would be dull though, eh?

  2. Now they look nice! I like the chaps in the brown trousers.

    1. I think these guys will rank as "militia light infantry" in my C&CN variant rules - red shirt-fronts and brown trousers - you can't be too careful!

      Cheers - MSF

  3. Fine looking unit Tony, I do like those hats. Will all the Militia units be of 18 figures?


    1. Hi Lee - other militia units will not be lights - so will have no skirmishers and will have 24 figures in 4 close-order groups of 6.

      Cheers - Tony

  4. Ah, I see. I thought you had said 24 figures, makes sense now.

