Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Hooptedoodle #66 - Tiger Tank Slippers

My deep thanks to Iain Mac, who has brightened my morning - nay, my week - by drawing my attention to this ad on Etsy. The item for sale is a pattern for crocheting a pair of Tiger 1 slippers, no less, and you can see how desirable these are from the illustration.

My faith in the human race is at least partly restored - I think these are wonderful. If you do not wish to be the only kid in your gang who does not have a pair of these by Christmas, you'll find the full advert here - and here's a scan of it.

Excellent - thanks again, Iain.


  1. Excellent - finally I can get Mrs S knitting away at something useful in the evenings!

    1. Ian - if you post a picture of yours on your blog, I'll do the same (this is a lie)...

    2. Tony - I really do want a pair of these and have put in a request to Mrs S (who has an online knitting shop). She liked them so much she put up a link on her facebook page http://www.facebook.com/pages/Great-British-Yarns/205975276086369?fref=ts
      I can't wait...

  2. I made a set of moccassins last year. It is fulfilling in a way and the result comes in handy. But what would an Allied dog think, encountering these on the floor?

    1. I think a self-respecting dog of any nationality would make very short work of these. Quite right too.

  3. Now I have seen everything! I did indeed 'laugh out loud' indeed I almost had an accident with my morning coffee ......... but then I began to think "There is probably somebody out there who will actually WANT a pair of those and will probably even WEAR them". But I must admit they are indeed very funny! Thank you Tony for sharing that.

    1. Come on Lee - we're all mates here - you can admit that you secretly fancy a pair. I think I do, anyway, though I wouldn't tell anyone.

  4. A British Bulldog could shred these in no time.

    What about Sherman Slippers, or Crocheted Churchills?

    1. I spent a little time this morning trying to think of a breed of dog which would fit here, but failed - I have little or no knowledge of either WW2 armour or dogs, so am disadvantaged. I wondered if it would have to be a Russian dog to be historically accurate.

      I admit to being sad enough, however, to have thought also that the crocheted guns would probably droop disappointingly in quite a short time.

      It would be amusing to wear them during a visit by in-laws, or some such not-very-relaxed guests, and observe how they avoided noticing the footwear. Shades of Gary Larson's cartoon of the guy who has a fort built from the sofa cushions.

  5. Apologies for the number of times I used the word 'indeed' in my comment Tony! I have been drawn back here for another look at those slippers, the pattern is very specific 'Tiger 1 Tank' rather than plain old 'tank slippers' which is quite reassuring in an odd way. They are growing on me.... perhaps if several of us got together in a variety of German and Allied tank slippers we could play a sort of rudimentary battle game by shuffling around the lounge to a set of basic rules. There could of course be a minus factor for droopy barrels.

    1. I confess I had a look at the seller (Argentine) to see what else they had on offer, but nothing at present. I also had a crazy moment when I wondered if there is a future for knitted/crocheted buildings, trees and scenery!

      It also occurred to me that a pair of tanks probably don't have a right and left...

    2. The game could be an amalgam of Memoir and Twister...

  6. These are astonishing! Sadly they'd be easily defeated by my dog, who likes to run off with slippers. I bet Herr Wittman never had this trouble.

    1. I thought there was potentially a nice new spin on "knitting for victory" - i.e. tanks instead of socks - the ladies (gawd bless them) sitting in big rooms, preparing for the big push. That doesn't read quite as I intended, but you get the idea.

  7. This is fabulous Tony! Coming to this late, thanks to the 'popular posts' on the side of your blog. Going to the link and then searching for tank slipper patterns, I stumbled across this little beauty!
    Too many dream presents here, haha!!
    Cheers, James

    1. Hi James - I checked out the robot tank - hmmm. I see you can't get to drive one - certainly you could park anywhere in the car park you wanted with one of these, at the parent-teachers evenings at the school. Same with the golf club - what captain's parking space?

  8. I've just stumbled across this post (better late than never). Not only did we find this pattern a few years ago, but my wife made me a pair, which I still wear from time to time! I should get a photo ...
