Saturday, 6 October 2012

Give-away - Almost Nothing for Nothing

I’m in the process of trying to tidy up my den/office, and there’s a wad of old Historex Napoleonic uniform information sheets that I keep coming up against – mostly French – dating from the 1970s. This is a left-over from my recent loft-clearing activities in East Kilbride, to raise money on eBay for Cancer Research. I keep promising myself I’ll throw them out, but somehow it seems a shame to do this.

There’s nothing particularly rare in this lot, but there’s plenty of it, and Historex are legendary for being correct. If you are interested, please leave a comment with contact details (tell me if you don’t want it published), or email me through my Blogger profile. Depending on the size of the response, I’ll devise some fiendish system for choosing a recipient, and will mail it to the lucky volunteer/winner. The desirable object on offer is a stack of A4 sheets folded in half, which is about 1 inch thick and weighs around 450 gm. It is also a little faded, and smells a bit – how Old School do you want, anyway?

It may as well go in your dustbin as mine. If there is no response at all, of course, I shall pretend that someone emailed me.

Late edit - I was asked for a sample picture - here you go...

Late late edit - thanks to Hugh, Benjamin, Allen, Marco P, The Red Fox(?) and Mossmorran for your interest - I rolled a six-sided die, and Hugh wins - I'll get the envelope away to Maverick Collecting. No doubt there will be more exciting chuck-out offers coming up, so stay tuned! 


  1. You could definately put my name in the hat...I have the A6 coloured plates for about 1/3 of the known 'bagged' sets, but I don't have the sheets I think you're describing which were (I think) stapled to the plates through the folded bag top to make a 'backing' card? (I might be hopelessly wrong - some were boxed!).

    Like your mine are 'mostly French', mostly Napoleonic, there are a couple of Revolution plates and some Allied...hopefully I might be able to marry a few up?


  2. If there any going spare I wouldn't mind a few.

  3. Thank you very much Mr. Foy...what I will do is marry-up those B&W detail folds with the corresponding colour plates I have, scan them and 'ZIP' them up as a bundle with two other files for unmarried detail sheets and unmarried colour plates and if any of the unsuccessful applicants - or indeed - yourself - would like the electronic versions as files of please get in touch.


    It's won't be for a while though, the plates are in Andover and I'm back up north for a while!!
