Monday 29 October 2012

Falcata - 25th May Order Arrived

Today the FedEx man brought the Falcata figures I ordered in May. The figures received are close enough to my original order for me to be happy with them. I have enough new figures for some more units of Spanish Peninsular War milicias/voluntarios, and some Spanish general officers - no doubt some pictures will appear here at some point.

I shall now remove all previous hostile postings on the subject of this order, as promised, but I urge anyone outside Spain who wishes to purchase Falcata figures to buy them from the forthcoming UK outlet (details will be posted here when available), not direct from Madrid.


  1. I, too, ordered figures from Falcata in May; I have yet to receive mine (I live in Canada). I have had a number of increasingly beligerent e-mails with the company and was on the verge of posting something over at the TMP webpage. Let's hope mine arrive soon or I'll go back to that course of action.


    1. Paul - I don't know for sure, but I think they've been desperately short of cash - suggest if you chase them up in a friendly sort of way now they may be able to send your stuff.

    2. Just as way of an update, I still haven't received any package. I tried being the good cop; I am now trying to be bad cop, but I doubt that I shall ever see my order and have all but written this order off. Shame, I really wanted some of that Spanish heavy cavalry. I'll keep you up-to-date if any thing changes.


    3. Hi Paul - sorry to hear that you have got no further with this. I did receive figures eventually, but they didn't look like anything from a commercial facility. I have passed your comment to Mike Oliver - last I heard, his proposed UK dealership arrangement was unlikely to proceed, because of concerns about delivery and casting quality from Spain.

      This is all most regrettable - I believe that publicising your experience on TMP and similar will at least warn others - the Falcata blog is still active - well, it's not very active, but it's still there. It would be a shame if anyone took it seriously.

  2. Woo Hoo!!!!! Parteeeeeeeeeeeeey time!

  3. Sorta spoils a good story but I suppose getting some anticipated nice figures for the the money spent will compensate some what.

    1. Yeah - just when I was starting to enjoy being grumpy....

  4. Gentlemen - thanks to you and all others who have offered messages of support during this unusual shopping experience. I'm not convinced that the Power of the Blog was influential here, but if I was in the online retail business I would certainly be nervous about 6000-odd hits a month being able to read evidence of my shortcomings, so it can't have done any harm.

    The important lesson for me (again) has been that the normally accepted rules of customer service and business etiquette do not necessarily apply in the specialist hobby world - the creative souls that spark these things are not necessarily gifted in other ways. As I've discussed here before, maybe that's why hobbies exist - an investment bank (and there's a benchmark for customer care!) would not consider model soldiers a proper market at all.

    Roll on the coming of the UK Falcata distributor - and thank you anyway. MSF

  5. I'll start ordering a Te Deum with all the trimming - bells rung, salutes fired, etc.

    1. If I'd known you were so well connected I'd have been asking you for a little intervention with Falcata before now!
