Wednesday, 31 October 2012

ECW - And Still They Come

Another two units of foot ready for action - here are (in the red) Sir Thomas Tyldesley's Regiment [R] and John Booth's Regiment [P]. Just for a change, the Hinton Hunt unit are the Royalists this time, the Parlies being (mostly) Les Higgins.

I find that I'm still doggedly making sure that the two armies build up at the same pace - it occurred to me today that it must be important for some reason. Since I am still some way short of being able to stage an actual battle, I'm not sure why I am being so careful to keep everything in step. Not to worry - I'm happy with progress, which continues to be steady rather than dramatic.

I now have six units of foot ready (3 each, naturally) and two of cavalry (even split, again), plus a few general officers. There are another two units of horse and two more of foot ready for painting, so I guess the lead mountain must be getting smaller.

My traditional terminology - "Ready to go in The Cupboard" as a euphemism for "Ready to Fight" - is not applicable to my ECW troops, since they do not live in The Cupboard - they are kept in a series of nice, new, pink box files!


  1. It's good to have a distinctive colour box, easily remembered, for storage. I 'lost' my 2mm terrain pieces for two years from not doing that, and the fact they are so small. Finally found them back. But I would start using the term "light red" if this happened to me.

    1. Good thinking - light red - got it.

      A local supermarket chain here in the UK does a good line in cheap A4 box files - the grey ones (which seem to be OOP now) I used for my Peninsular War artillery; I was left with a choice of light blue or "light red" for my PW Spanish army and my ECW guys. I'd be nervous about offending the guerrilleros, even accidentally, so I decided that the boys with the frilly lace collars, slashed sleeves and baggy boots might be more tolerant of the light red.

      Fashions and innuendos change over the centuries. A friend of mine used to say "insinuendo", which I liked.
