Tuesday, 17 July 2012

The Second Spanish Foot Battery

I'm very pleased to have a second regular foot battery for the Spanish Nationalist army, very kindly - and delightfully - painted for me by Lee, in return for introducing him to Commands & Colors and providing some uniform info. I think I came out of that exchange handsomely ahead - thank you, Lee, once again.

These guys have been sitting around in my spares box for a while, and they are now ready to join Morillo's new 2nd Divn of the Spanish army. Excellent - a real bonus.

Thus my Spanish army is complete now, apart from a few generals. Well, actually, apart from a few generals and some more cavalry. All right - a few generals, some more cavalry and a couple of limber crews.

And maybe a couple more units of voluntarios. You can never have too many voluntarios.

The castings are of Frenchmen, tweaked and modded a little here and there. The guns and the crews are by NapoleoN Miniatures, the officer with the telescope is yet another of Art Miniaturen's little gems. The Gribeauval system 8pdrs are completely authentic - Spain was a Bourbon kingdom before Napoleon, and all Bourbon kingdoms used the Gribeauval system. Spanish guns were either grey or - as in this case - stained timber with black ironwork.


  1. I'm glad they arrived home safely, and it's my pleasure. I must say the guns are really impressive castings, better even than any 28mm gun I have painted. Nice slim wheels and the detail on the barrel is not a thing I have seen before. The officer is a lovely figure, full of character. I look forward to seeing them in action and will be cheering them on!


    1. Please do - sometimes my Spanish troops need all the support they can get!

      I remember an old cartoon in Military Modelling, where two experts are discussing a 54mm figure of a hoplite, and one says, "I think you'll find the dirt under the toenails is the wrong colour for Thermopylae". I've always kept that in my heart as a good example of Vanishing Detail Syndrome. Since the buttons on these guys' coats are too small to read(!), I'm safe enough, but someone will eventually point out that the crest on the cannon barrels is French, rather than Spanish. I'll just have to practise my expert sneer in advance!

      Thanks once again - a classy and useful addition - the Supreme Junta send their thanks as well. Cheers - Tony

  2. They look great - that Lee is a talented fellow.

    By the way Tony, do you realise that the crest on those cannon barrels is...


    1. Hang on a minute - I've got a sneer here somewhere - ah - here it is

      ---> :-/

      ---- nah - needs work - a sneer is no good if people just think you've had a stroke...
