Thursday, 31 March 2011

Home Brewed Flags - Joseph Napoleon's Spanish Troops

There is very little information about these flags. Here are examples of the flags I developed for my own wargame armies; from top to bottom they are the 2nd Line Regt (Toledo), 1st Light Infantry (Castilla) and Royal-Etranger (which I think, was technically a French army unit). The white flags would be carried on a blackened pole with a gilt spearhead finial and red cravat.

If they are of any use or interest, please feel free to copy them. The Toledo flag is based on the regulations, and on a reconstruction of the standard for the 6th Regt.

The green borders are not part of the design - they are just to make it easier to cut out a white flag!


  1. They're excellent! I've been planning to paint a battalion up but was discouraged by the lack of flags available. You've solved that problem for me! Cheers!

  2. Many thanks Foy - I may end up stealing these in the near future. Did they wear French uniforms or something more flamboyant?

  3. My pleasure! - usual philosophy - these are more-or-less educated guesses, but a fair amount of research went into them. If anyone can offer a more correct version then I'm happy to learn something; failing that, these are about as authentic as you'll find. As for uniforms for JN's boys, by far the best source is the series of articles in some of the early issues of Soldats Napoleoniens, which you are probably acquainted with, but which otherwise can be glimpsed at



  4. Uniforms - light infantry wore standard blue French Legere uniform, though Chartrand has a pic of them with civilian-type hats - I guess that's a matter of supply rather than regulation. Line infantry had French-style uniforms & hats, with brown jackets and trousers, with coloured facings & lapels according to regiment - 2nd Regt had red. Grenadiers & voltigeurs had distinguishing epaulettes & plumes just like French units. Royal-Etranger seem to have worn all sorts at first (including yellow ex-dragoon jackets) but eventually were uniformed (almost certainly - the order for the cloth is on file!) in black jackets with red lapels, cuffs, collars turnbacks and whote piping, and white trousers. French shakos & equipment throughout. Somewhere I've got a photo of a Royal-Etranger uniform button!

    I intend to put a posting on here shortly showing my Joseph Napoleon troops, so some of the pics might be useful.

    Note for celebrity spotters - Victor Hugo's father was colonel of the Royal-Etranger.


  5. Fantastic flags, I'll have to tell my mate Postie who likes to paint up the rear Napoleonic units. Shame the green isn't part of the flag, I thought it was until I read your last paragraph!!

  6. I wonder if it would be worth all the reductions to put those in 2mm, where the flag is the size of an o on this screen. Ray has a number of flags up himself while we're on the subject.
