Sunday, 14 November 2010

The Grand Tactical Game - Downloadable Draft

This is an attempt to get organised. You can see or download the latest draft of the MEP rules from Google Docs by clicking here.

In future, so that I only need to maintain a single link, all references to the downloadable draft of the rules will link to this post, and the version you get to from here will be the latest extant version.

*** Very Late Edit ***

Some six years later, I removed the link, since the game is no longer in a maintained, playable state. Apologies if you came here looking for it.



  1. Can't seem to download it I'm afraid.

  2. So much for organisation - link should work OK now - sorry about that. Every time I use Google Docs I swear I hear faint laughter somewhere.


  3. Worked for me. They look good and are on my list of thingsa to do once winter sets in.

    One question so far. during multi-unit combats, does the defender roll its available dice against each attacker? (which is how it reads to me and which makes sense since the attacker gets a bonus as well) or if it has used them all against, say the 1st attacker, is the 2nd one unopposed? (for example unit with a PV of 3 being attacked all out by to units with a PV of 4. Does it roll 3 against each or 3 against the 1st and none against the 2nd?


  4. Ross - thanks very much for note. Yes - you're correct - defenders in a many-to-one attack get to use all their dice against each of the attackers (on the grounds that these are distinct attacks), but they have to share out their skirmish dice during the skirmishing phase (on the grounds that skirmishing takes place throughout the bound, and that's all they've got!). The situation is not the same if someone is rash enough to attack multiple units with a single unit (one-to-many) - in that case they DO have to share out a single ration of Combat dice against all opponents - it seemed unreasonable to assume that the 2nd and 3rd defending units would stand around waiting their turn!

    In your example, if the attacking units had 4 Elements each, and made an all-out attack, they would each have 4 dice, and would be looking for throws of 5 or less (bonus for multiple attackers - though if the first attacker was repulsed then the "multiple" bonus wouldn't apply for the second Combat, throws would have to be 4 or less in that one). If the defender had 3 Elements then their response would be limited to 3 dice, and they would be looking for 3 or less, but they roll 3 dice against each attacker.

    I'm sorry the promised worked examples have been delayed - they would help clarify quite a bit of this - but your interpretation is spot-on anyway.

    I have to say that the original different treatment of one-against-many attacks made excellent sense at the time, but now I come to think about it again I'm not so sure! - maybe the bonus for multiple units takes care of things here as well...

    Thanks again - regards

