Friday, 22 October 2010

Home Brewed Flags - Nassau

And yet another - this is derived from the illustration in Vol.3 of Flags of the Napoleonic Wars by Terry Wise. Once again, I did my own only to get better resolution than the Warflag download.

The flag was a small one - only about a metre square. I find you have to watch flag sizes - I don't like to see beautifully painted French Napoleonics staggering around with a 6 foot flag - you see it a lot, but it's wrong. On the other hand, if you make your flags too small, the thickness of the pole and the bloody-mindedness of the paper can result in something that looks like a fancy hatchet. I printed this at 16mm high, which in 1/72 is slightly overscale, but looks OK.

The Nassau regular infantry regiments all had flags like this throughout the Napoleonic Wars - whichever side they happened to be on!


  1. Lovely work! This particular standard, along with the Nassau Waterloo-era uniforms, have always been favorites of mine.

    Best Regards,


  2. I wish I had found a suitable printed flag when I painted up my 2nd Nassau regiment. I hand painted mine - time consuming but was rewarding experience.

  3. I've had some experience of hand-painting flags, and I really don't have the skill to produce a result which pleases me. A number of manufacturers (Scruby, Hinton Hunt and Revo come to mind) cast the flag as part of the standard bearer, and it forces you to do it that way. My earliest experience of this was trying to make a decent job of the Union flags on HH ACW figures.

    I regularly see very handsome hand-painted flags, and I am filled with admiration for the guys who can do them.

    I have to admit that the units of King Joseph's Guard in my French army have Hinton Hunt Old Guard eagle bearers, and I have committed the dreadful sin of trimming the flags off and fitting printed paper ones. They look fine, and it means I'm not stuck with the 1815 pattern French colour with which they were cast.
